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IRRI in Mozambique

Rice is one of the major food crops in Mozambique, along with maize, wheat, and sorghum. However, rice consumption has increased rapidly in recent years, with an annual growth rate of 8.6%. Like in other African countries, the shift in consumer preference for rice is attributed to urbanization, better income, and food preparation convenience.

IRRI works with Mozambique to upgrade the country’s rice agri-food systems and build the capacity to expand and sustain its rice industry.

Today, IRRI has identified different research and development focus provinces in Mozambique: Maputo and Gaza for irrigated ecosystems and Zambezia for rainfed ecology. The IRRI Mozambique office also serves as one of IRRI’s country offices in Africa, highlighting the country’s role in ensuring food and nutrition security in the region.

Key achievements in Mozambique

Breeding new rice varieties tailored for Mozambique

Since 2006, IRRI has introduced over 6,000 rice breeding lines for irrigated and rainfed ecosystems in Mozambique. IRRI has released two stress-tolerant varieties with good grain quality and disease resistance, increasing rice yield from 1 t/ha to 3–3.5 t/ha in rainfed conditions.

IRRI has been supporting the development of rice seed systems in Central and Southern Mozambique. IRRI provided foundation seeds of improved varieties to seed growers’ associations, trained farmers on seed production and handling, popularized new varieties through establishing demonstration plots, organized farmer field days, and shared tours.

Training and capacity building

As part of the JICA-supported project on seed systems development, seed technicians, junior researchers, and seed inspectors from the national program were trained at IRRI headquarters and the PhilRice offices on quality rice seed production and extension methods. IRRI also trained more than 25 staff from HQ's Agriculture Research Institute of Mozambique and Eduard Mondlane University. The short degree training included topics like plant breeding, rice post-production to Market, rice research to production, and rice diseases. IRRI also sponsors 3 MSc and 2 PhD students from the local program.

Ensuring quality seeds for farmers

In partnership with IIAM, IRRI Mozambique assists in purifying and multiplying the seeds of newly released rice varieties in the country. Each year, at least three metric tons of purified breeder and foundation seeds are produced and made available for multiplication by IIAM and ultimately distributed to the farmers.

Introducing better management practices

IRRI established rice plots across south and central Mozambique to demonstrate best management practices from land preparation to harvest. Post-harvest technologies, including pedal, mechanical threshers, and super bags for seed storage, were showcased to enhance production efficiency and quality.

Building public and private partnerships

IRRI works with IIAM and different departments at the Ministry of Agriculture, Provincial Agriculture Department, Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, the University of Lisbon in Portugal, and Private rice millers.